RADIO REDPILL - A strong dose of HONESTY in Life, Culture, and Politics


REDPILL ROLY Season 1 Episode 10

In our first broadcast of 2021, we discuss the events of January the 6th and we condemn the violence and the acts of that day. However, we also explore the reasons why they may have happened and try to be honest and objective about the current situation in our country.
Recent actions by Patriots leave a sour taste in everyone's mouths.  VIOLENCE is NOT CONDONED.  It has set the conservative cause back much more than moved it forward.  All the actions taken on January 6th by protesters entering the whitehouse will be used to further restrict law abiding citizens, and my greatest prayer is that the spark of Civil War has not truly been lit.  The trap was set...and a few idiots made a bad move, and now left has us very close to checkmate - and being a threat to their cause, people like Pelosi and Schumer will stop at nothing to satisfy their lust for revenge.  They don't want to unify the Country... they want to PURIFY it in their image.  This is the truth - and it is a sad day for America, the bill of rights, and our way of life.  In this POD, we vent, we speak truths, and we pray for the future.   More to come.  God protect us all.