RADIO REDPILL - A strong dose of HONESTY in Life, Culture, and Politics
Radio Redpill is a platform created and dedicated to providing honest commentary at the root of today's fluctuating political and social landscape. My goal is to explore the issues that plague our great Republic, but to do it with a slight Latin flare! All while hopefully enjoying a few laughs along the way. The idea is to look at all sides of every issue, and provide honest opinions on them, from the perspective of a Cuban American who's lived ten lives in one. Growing up as a Cuban American in the United States has given me quite the unique perspective on life in this great country, and I lay it all bare here for the world to see, and hear. I try to put my knowledge and experience together to provide powerful insights on life, liberty, and most importantly, the pursuit of happiness, just like our founders intended! Because we do hold these truths to be self-evident...and here, the truth will set you free...(although first, it may piss you off a little. LOL)...God Bless you and God Bless America. Thank you for listening.
RADIO REDPILL - A strong dose of HONESTY in Life, Culture, and Politics
In this episode we bring in our first guest call in, Mr. Kevin Cortina, to explain the Electoral College and what today means should they vote despite the contested results of the election - making Joe Biden the official President Elect. This Episode is meant as a "teaser" for what promises to be a politically charged week in the United States. We explore some of the possibilities and tell you what to expect. I hope you enjoy it!